Saturday, February 21, 2015

Photo a Day Activity

I kind of dropped the ball on this assignment and kept the pics on my cell phone until completing my blog today.  

Day #1  Is it so wrong to be in my PJ's by 7 pm?  Cabin fever has set in...

Day #2  Making sure the stinkin' snow blower is ready to go.  Oh great, more snow on the way...

Day #3  Have to get out and take care of the cars and driveway.  We may have a 2 hour delay at school but my wife in the "real world" has to be to work by 7 am.

Day #4  Ah, 6 am and I'm sitting in the parking lot outside my favorite little restaurant.  A few of my colleagues and I meet ever week since we started teaching together in 1997.  Even though the wind chills are reading in the minus zone, this is the highlight of my week.

Day #5  No, it's not broke.  Another 2 hour delay because of the wind chills.  Is it spring yet?

Day #6  Why not?  More snow...

Day #7  I find myself daydreaming about warmer temps and hooking into another trout like this one!  Spring can't come soon enough.

This was a rather difficult week to complete this task.  We are smack in the middle of a cold, wintery February so I used old man winter for my theme. 

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